
Mathew 18:4 “Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven;” Along with your print purchase you will receive the below story of “Jesus and the Children” written by Artist Norbert McNulty, Jr. on the back of your print.

“Jesus and the Children”

“Kingdom shall rise against kingdom, and there shall be wars and rumors of wars… “Peter waited for the time for his sword to be anointed as David’s of old, to see fire come down from heaven upon the tyrants of Rome.  He envisioned himself as a vice-king, sitting on the right-hand throne of the Messiah in world conquest.  The time was at hand, The Kingdom of God was nigh.  He waited in earnest patience for the war.  He esteemed himself a member of the army of God, readying to do battle with the kingdoms of this world as soon as the Lord spoke the word.  He was to be a king in the army that is to spread the Kingdom of God over all the kingdoms of the earth.

“Wait!  What on earth are these women bringing children to the Commander in Chief for?”  Peter and the others stood up and blocked the path of the approaching ladies.  “That is far enough” Our Master is a busy man!  We’re trying to bring in the Kingdom here!  The Kingdom of the living God!  We’re not raising families.  What do you mean coming here to waste His time on Children?”

The startled women halted in their tracks.  Hurt and offended, they stood with children in arms and on foot without speaking a recorded word about their hope deferred.  Then a voice from just beyond them…

“Leave them be and let them by!  Take heed to yourselves that you offend not one of these little ones that believe on me, for it were better for a man that a millstone were tied about his neck and he be cast to the bottom of the sea than he should offend one of these little ones.”

The women looked with astonishment and elation.  The Prophet of Israel was standing up for them!  The disciples stepped aside wondering how the valuable time of the Master was going to be used to bring in the Kingdom by receiving little ones.  Peter looked at the others and them at each other.  They stood dumbfounded as the children passed.  Stop a moment and observe a conjecture of the pondering of Peter.

“We have to stay focused!  We’re talking life and death; kingdom against kingdom.  How can the Kingdom of God fill the whole world if we start babysitting?”

—Now remember the prophet Daniel—

How is a stone cut out of a Mountain?  How does it dash to pieces the kingdoms of this world and the feet of Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image?  With swords?  How does it spread and fill the whole earth with His glory?  Watch as it spreads….  As adults, as little children believe on the name of the Son of God, the Lord Jesus.  Watch as more believe and it spreads North and South because multitudes believe God has come down to earth as a man; the Christ.

Put your sword into its sheath Peter.  Run over and tend the lambs.  Dissolve the doubts of the little ones.  Feed the sheep.  Teach them that the greatest Jew to ever walk the face of the earth has come out and down from heaven.  Watch a soul believe it and become born again.  Watch as another enters the Kingdom.  Watch the Rock grow.  Watch the mighty Rock, hewn out of a mountain without hands, spread over the whole world conquering kingdom after kingdom!


The kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdoms of our God and of his Christ forever.  For Jesus said… “Permit the little children to come unto me, for of such is the Kingdom of God!”

Copyright 1995 Norbert McNulty, Jr.

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